Diabetic Foot Ulcer What Every Diabetic must know

The information you’re about to read will save someone you know and maybe a helpful tool in your hand; please read till the end.

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What is Diabetes Ulcer?

Diabetic foot lesion is responsible for many diabetic hospitalisations than any other complications of diabetes. Diabetic Foot Ulcer is a common complication of diabetes mellitus, and it can cost the leg (amputation of one or both legs), but it does not have to if you will not allow your wound to degenerate to the point of amputation. Everyone with diabetes can develop a foot ulcer and foot pain, but taking good care of your foot can serve as a preventive measure. Diabetic foot ulcer occurs as a result of tissue breakdown and exposing the underneath layer of the skin; they are mostly found under the big toes and balls of your leg. They can affect your feet down to the bone.

Identifying Foot Ulcers

Early signs includes:

  • unusual swelling,
  • Irritation,
  • redness, and
  • odours from one or both feet

Take note when you see drains from your feet that stain your socks.

Sometimes, foot ulcers are not so obvious therefore hard to detect. You may not show symptoms until the ulcer has become infected. You should talk to your doctor when you see an area that has turned black or any form of discoloration or when you feel pain in areas that have become irritated or callused.

Your doctor will identify your ulcer on a 0 to 3 scale as below:

0 – there is no ulcer but foot at risk

1 – ulcer but no infection

2 – deep ulcer, joints, and tendons already exposed

3 – extensive ulcer or abscesses from infection

Causes of Diabetic Foot Ulcer and Foot pain

These usually cause diabetic ulcers:

  • Poor circulation – poor blood circulation can make it difficult for the ulcer to heal. This is a vascular disease in which blood doesn’t flow to your feet regularly.
  • High blood sugar (hyperglycemia) – High blood sugar makes it difficult for an infected foot ulcer to heal. This is where proper diabetes management comes to play. People living with type-2 diabetes always find it difficult fighting off infections from foot ulcers.
  • Nerve damage – this is a long term effect that makes you lose feeling in your feet. Which reduces your feeling to foot pains and results to painless wounds that can lead to foot ulcers. Damaged nerves can feel tingly and painful at first.
  • Irritated or wounded feet – dry skin is common in diabetics, your feet may be more prone to cracking. Cracks, calluses, and bleeding may occur. Ulcers can be identified by drains from the affected area, and sometimes a noticeable painless lump.

Predisposing Factors of Diabetic Foot Ulcer

Everyone with diabetes is at a risk of Foot ulcer. However, foot ulcer can have multiple causes, and these factors stated below can increase the risk of foot ulcer;

  • poorly fitted or poor quality shoes
  • poor hygiene (not washing regularly or thoroughly)
  • improper trimming of toenails
  • alcohol consumption
  • eye disease from diabetes
  • heart disease
  • kidney disease
  • obesity
  • tobacco use (inhibits blood circulation)

Diabetic foot ulcers are also most common in older men.

Treating Diabetic Foot Ulcer

Your doctor may recommend any of these to you to reduce pressure and protect your foot (or feet);

  • diabetic shoes
  • casts
  • food braces
  • compression wraps
  • shoe inserts to prevent corns and calluses

Stay off your feet to prevent pain and ulcer. Pressure from walking can make the ulcer worse and expand. For obese and overweight people, extra pressure may be the cause of ongoing foot pain. Click here to know how you can lose excess weight (belly fat and extra pounds) the natural way without any complications.

Doctors can remove diabetic foot ulcer with debridement. Debridement is the removal of dead skin, infections or foreign objects that may have caused the ulcer.

An infection is a serious complication of the foot ulcer, and it requires immediate treatment. Not all infections are the same; there may be need to take the wound swap to the laboratory to know which antibiotics that will help. In more severe cases, your doctor may request for an X-ray for signs of bone infection.

Diabetic foot ulcers can be prevented with:

  • foot baths
  • disinfecting the skin around an ulcer
  • keeping the ulcer dry with frequent dressing changes
  • enzyme treatments
  • dressings containing calcium alginates to inhibit bacterial growth


How To Prevent Diabetic Foot Ulcers

You should see your doctor when there is a black discoloration around your foot and when there is a loss of sensation or numbness in your foot. Early detection makes foot ulcer’s treatment easier. It can take weeks to heal; many months is some cases if your diabetes is not well managed (blood sugar is high) and if there is constant pressure being applied to the leg or the infection has spread over. If untreated, ulcers can cause abscesses and spread to other areas on your feet and legs. At this point, ulcers can often only be treated by surgery, amputation, or replacement of lost skin by synthetic skin substitutes. State treatment immediately you discover a sore on your foot or feet, you will increase your chance of infections the longer you wait. Untreatable Infections may require amputations.

Treatment of diabetes and other health risk factors

The more you control your diabetes, the less likely for you to develop diabetes complications as foot ulcers. Also, it is necessary to note that treatment of high blood pressure, high cholesterol level and reducing other risk factors will reduce your likelihood of diabetic complications.


Recommended Supplements for Diabetic Foot UlcerFulcerGo includes the following products below;

  • Aloe Vera Gel – to help with blood circulation and speed up recovery internallyaloe vera gel
  • Propolis Cream – contains antibiotic propertiesPropolis-creme
  • Aloe Vera Gelly – helps the wound to heal fasteraloe_vera_gelly
  • Forever Garcinia Plus or Forever Garlic-thyme – to regulate the level of blood sugar

    Garcina Plus

    Garcina Plus

  • Aloe Soap or Honey (subject to availability) – to clean the woundaloe-liquid-soap

Aloe First (subject to availability) – helps to soothe the skinforever_aloe_vera_first_sprayGet FulcerGo Full Pack for a discounted price of N57,500 or Order FulcerGo at the rate of N35,500 if you buy it with Diabetes Wellness Pack (N29,500). Call/SMS/WhatsApp: +2348070602372. Free Delivery Nationwide and payment on delivery available to major cities nationwide.

Watch this video to see the powerful healing power of our products, how it healed a severe infected foot ulcer.

After Healing, what next

  • Reduce pressure on your feet
  • Follow a treatment plan
  • Remain a strict diabetes diet
  • Consistent preventive care

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